This modern world is directed around women, addressed around women, and the fashion statements are started with women. Most of the of the ads in modern advertising are for women. Seemingly even most of of the ones about sexual diseases and pregnancy.
This modern world is ruled powerfully by our advertising trends. Many of the trends we would never understand until it was pointed out at us. Like the phallic imagery in the camel cigarette packs or the shape of a coke bottle that resembles the curves of an attractive woman. In the world of advertising freedom of speech needs to be taken more responsibly. Especially in fashion magazines, because everyone wants to be famous.
Although, the closest you can get to be famous is looking like someone famous. Of course when you're taking your fashion cues from a porcelain Plexiglas figure in a magazine you become something unnatural. To look like this you are required to do things unnatural and generally unhealthy. It really does not help that we are not a sex driven society. Freud may have not been completely right in his theories, but he was true that we are psycho and very much sexual.
It seems a lot of ads subconsciously blame women for things. When you look at most ads against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases you will never see the man passing the disease, and it's never the man taking the blame for pregnancy. It's always the women that's a whore for sleeping with only one man and gets pregnant. It's never counted that that man could have easily been sleeping with a different woman every night. Men are the biggest whores because we'll do anything without getting payed for it.
Sometimes Ryan...I wish that there were tours through the inside of your head. XD